Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Old people using mobile phones are funny. It tickles me to watch my mum and dad catching up with the 21st century and texting each other from different rooms.

“R U Comin 4 dinner

And yes it is double, treble and even quadruple spaced.

Excellent. What is not excellent was the documentary by Jamelia investigating where hair extensions come from. You could have been mistaken, like me, thinking this was going to uncover some heinous conspiracy with people being scalped literally for there hair in Outer Mongolia or something. Nope, ‘fraid not. It was just about Russians earning the equivalent of a weeks wages for giving up some hair that, in all honesty considering their standard of living, is of no consequence.

Furthermore, Jamelia’s squeezing out of a few drops of salty eye drips, in the face of a four year old child crying while getting their haircut was either a crass attempt at acting or desperation to inject some actual consequence into this waste of an hour. Has no one else seen many, many four year olds crying when getting their haircut? I certainly did at that age. Either way her reaction was at the least baffling and at the most a non highlight of a pointless use of my licence money.

More media cringe worthy exploits this week includes The Mirror featuring a 30 stone, 15 year old girl. Two pages of graphic explanation as to why it’s not her fault that she can’t stop eating. Oh please….

And in a final less flippant note on media uselessness – I hope we all realise that we may not be in a recession now, but it is most likely that in a few months it will be recognised that we are indeed in negative economic growth. Much as I hate to stand up for the man with a bag of spuds for a face, Brown and his band of merry swindlers are not to blame. Yes, yet again it is the media for irresponsible reporting on a blip in the economy. Worrying Joe Public into not spending money and THUS causing the reverse in the economy. It's so simple people… just spend money. Treat yourself, go and see a band… ahem look below.

Mind it’s not all bad – this week I discovered shampoo again. Having had virtually no hair for the last 5 years one’s bonce needed no special care – shower gel did fine. However since growing my luscious, tangled locks I decided to try shampoo… and oh my word. What a difference. Next is conditioner. This is me doing my bit to get the country out of recession 😉

Anyway… check this lot out.

Lots of exciting stuff on site this week, plenty of festival coverage incase you missed out there's Lattitude, Benicassim and Secret Garden Party. Also The Dandy Warhols are back woo hoo, so we packed off one of our finest reviewers to catch them live in London. In this weeks seven day spotlight our featured artist is Michael Franti & Spearhead who's eagerly awaited album is out August 18th.

We also have one of the most anticipated festivals of the year coming up… Glasswerk's very own Summer Rockwerk. On the 16th August you can head off to Liverpool's Barfly and catch some of your favourite new bands such as, The Pioneers, Forgotten Angels, The Crew and many many more. As always we have lots of live reviews, cd reviews features and news for you to have a good old nosey at.

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