Grammatics - New Franchise
Album Review

Grammatics – New Franchise

“New Franchise” is the new single by Leeds four-piece Grammatics, and is available as a free download from their website.

Their website suggests that they can be described as well by what they are not, as much as what they are. I think that’s fairly accurate. Mixing indie pop with some subtle dance style beats there’s a refreshing feel to this song. Musically the lyrics almost seem secondary, but there are moments when they break through. “Hear me now tonight someone. If I get the chance to walk again, I’ll get out while the going’s good”. Sung in an almost group ‘a capella’, this ends the song perfectly.

Blazing a trail with a unique sound in a market saturated with uninspiring bands that can’t be distinguished from each other is to Grammatics credit. Is there a place for them? There should be. Musically strong, with a catchy uniqueness, this is talent. Have a listen.

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