Battle Of The Sexes

Oh such raucous raging in the office today. Is it a new band pushing boundaries that has excited us all? Is it an exciting show being put together? Is it a new feature on the site making us crazy with anticipation? No, ‘fraid not. It’s just whinging and moaning – threatening of sackings and quitting. Promises of verbal warnings and industrial action. I may have started it all by a bit of gentle teasing, but now the office has gone all quiet. Sulking seems to be the ruling emotion at the moment. Apparently I am a misogynist… wonder if they are right? I’ll think about it as I go for another look at all the actresses auditioning to be gangsters’ molls outside our office.


Misogynist? Maybe that's a bit harsh. Sexist? Definitely. I have it on good authourity that the previous editor quit due to his (yes his) disgust at Mats attitude towards women. I guess I'll just have to soldier on. I'll keep looking at the Red Hot Chili Peppers pic to cheer me up. For the record it was Mat whinging and moaning. Well, I'm off now to check out the actors auditioning to be gansters…

Oh, inbetween all the fighting and refusal to make cups of tea for each other we do have a music website going on here, so this is what's hot this week…

We have lots of cd reviews including Glasswerk favourite The Bookhouse Boys' debut album. Also coverage of all your favourite festivals including Creamfields and Leeds Festival. We have interviews with the Stereo Mc's 'to the left and to the right…' and a Levellers interview. I feel we are really spoiling you this week.

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