Tea Wars

Well, I've taken over the whole editorial so no more joint ventures between Mat and I. So expect lots of bad grammar, spelling mistakes and rants about what a mean boss Mat is.

Speaking of Mat, he started tea wars in the office because I refused to make him tea after he threatened to sack me and give me my P60. Which we then pointed out that was what you get at the end of the tax year nothing to do with a P45. Then Mat threatened to sack Kieran if he ever made tea for me again. Although we have an interesting theory that when someone's so mean to you it's because they are repressing their real feelings of love for you. So this means Mat loves me haha!! He's also mean to lolster (fellow office worker) so he's obviously in love with her as well. Aaaahhhh, how sweet. Anyway the office is quiet now and we're all sulking because Mat has refused to change his Facebook profile to Pirate Facebook 🙁

So onto the important stuff, you may have noticed in the video section we have the brand spanking new addition of the music videos already on the site for you. This saves you having to follow links all round everywhere. Elsewhere, I ventured out into the world of gigdom and caught Glasvegas at Liverpool's Barfly. They were absolutely amazing so if you do get chance to see tham grab it with both hands. Also we've got live reviews from the mighty Metallica and the upcoming Exit Calm. Also let's not forget all the hot gigs you could be attending, we've got Paper Heroes and The Rushes in London. The ever popular Dickensian Disco Club Night and Glamour Of The Kill in Manchester. Woo Hoo!!!

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