This reviewer had the, er, pressence to be at a gig where Charli XCX followed an electro act at the Bar-Code venue performing a few tunes including a rather unfortunatley titled track called ‘I Want to be Darth Vadar.’ (Which she informned us that she actually did). Standing in a balerinas pink skirt and a Amy Winehouse-esque gone even worse hair. We are indeed in the company of a teenage girl who loves experimental, electro pop and noise for the sake of anarchy.
This single is no different. It is a racket that has been badly slammed together with no thought beyond its own expressiveness. But like a lot of teens as any adult knows is that expression be it angry or or just noisy is simply expressionism and nothing much else.
Charli XCX does have her own charms however and is keen to entertain which helps dimmish any brattish overtones of her outfit. But she does let her accent do the singing however instead of her lungs. Kate Nash after being electrocuted maybe?