Drinks Are On Me!

Today I'm finally writing my second editorial all alone. I was always slightly reluctant to write it fully as I thought I'd get total writers block, although, as Mat loves to remind me I am the editor so it's none negotiable. However Im getting into the swing of it now. I have many many things to rant and rave about, as I discovered over the past week…

Today marks the one week anniversary of the Oasis incident. To cut a long story short Mat ( in a strange act of kindness) invited me along to the gig and out of sheer nostalgia how could I refuse a dose of good old fashioned brit pop. Taking me back to the days when I fancied Liam Gallagher like mad, my biggest concern was making sure I didnt run out of Insette hairspray, pondered whether John* in form 11EP asking to lend my tip-ex was his way of showing he fancied me and when I still thought I could be a rockstar. Eric Cantona was my kung-fu hero and Posh Spice was more famous than David. How could I refuse?

So off we went, had a few drinks, got to the gig had a few more drinks, Oasis came on -stage were amazing and I remembered how much I love 'Slide away.' Now I'd had few shandies at this point, so I might have been a bit tipsy and I might have accidently thrown my little plastic cup into the crowd. Bear in mind Mat threw his cup, Liam Gallagher threw a cup into the crowd, the two other people with us threw their cups, before Oasis came on the whole crowd had a beer/cup throwing friendly frenzy. Nothing was said. I throw my cup and the sercuity guard ran over and said 'do that once more and you're out' . That's what I call injustice. So I apologised to him and then sulked. Although I do see the funny side now.

When we left I was drunk, I should have gone home to bed but no we all decided it would be much better to carry on drinking. Uh-oh.. so the cheeky vimtos flowed with abundance. Mat threatened to fire me coz I flicked drink at him and knocked his ciggy out of his hand(Sorry Mat). In an effort to keep the peace I thought it best to just carry on drinking cheeky v's. Eventually we went home, on the way we picked up the biggest pizza I'd ever seen, I scoffed most of it before anyone else got a look in, then went to sleep.

Now the whole point of this story is the simple fact that drinking is neither big nor clever. For the past ten years I was under the impression that when I'd had a few drinks I was funny, charming, charismatic etc. When in reality Im just plain lairy, talk s**t and repeat myself about twenty times, because what I just said was so funny/intelligent you might need to hear it again and again… Now I'm not a bad drunk, I wouldnt cause any trouble, I just think everyone's my best mate and the the volume of my voice is turned up to 100%. I dont particularly like this as by nature I'm a quiet person.

Now it's not just me a few of my friends feel like this, it's not that any of us have done anything bad or wrong we have just quite simply made t*ts of ourselves. So I have now joined the league of my friends who have vowed to not get drunk in public again through fear of social embarassment, ie, flicking drink in your boss' face, being asked to leave the gig, and so on…So on the next office night out I'm sticking to mineral water acting in a lady like manner and taking photos of everyone else making idiots of themselves so I can post them on facebook.

* names have been changed in the writing of this editorial.

p.s I'd just like to add that after searching the web for drink related images, I now believe I act like a nun on a night out compared to some. Maybe I've benn too hard on myself.

So onto the exciting contents of this week's site…

We have an interview with ex Happy Monday's star Kav and a feature on Liverpool band Strawhouses. Our roving reporters have selflessly braved the dark nights and reviewed some live gigs including Cara Dillon and Concrete & Glass. There are new videos from the Foals and A Place To Bury Strangers. Also we have some of the best gigs your ever likely to come across in the form of: Paper Heroes, Holy Ghost Revival, Imperial Leisure, Jessie and Trash Fashion. So check it out…

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