'of Montreal' try new download tact

To try and prevent illegal, and free, downloads, of Montreal have thought up an ingenious new tact.

The Skeletal lamping collection is a range of products from t-shirts to lanterns to totes that will be available to buy. If you choose to purchase an item, you will recieve an mp3 code in order to download 3 of Montreal rarities.

“of Montreal has, from the beginning, taken great pains to always put a lot of thought and care into the art packaging for our records,” the band say. “We feel a person should not be punished for opting to purchase a record digitally, nor should one have to choose between, either, fantastic art object or ease of purchase.”

The band hope to change the way people think about downloads, believing that perhaps, through downloads, we are not recieving as much for our money as we would be with a cd. “We envision a time when you’ll be walking around your local record shop and be like, “What’s the new Radiohead album again? Oh yeah, a bonsai tree in the shape of a deformed goat, I see it over there.”

The Skeletal lanmping collection is available for pre-order from the bands wesite and in shops from October 21st.

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