Glasswerk Gets Album Mention

Glasswerk have been striving for many a year now to help promote and write about the kinds of bands that the mainstream press don’t necessarily have the time for. This can sometimes mean chasing after the material yourself, as not many of these bands have high powered PR at their fingertips. So it’s a proud moment when such a band recognises this effort and decides to name check both writer and site in their album release.

This month saw the release of LA based darkwave band Collide’s new album “Two Headed Monster.” Glasswerk have previously written copy reviews on earlier albums including their double disc remix album “Vortex,” a Live DVD review “Live at El Rey” and the collaborative effort “The Secret Meeting.”

“Two Headed Monster” sees Glasswerk’s own Steven Hurst mentioned as well as the site Glasswerk itself in the albums “thanks” section. We are also proudly the first review according to the band:

“You are absolutely the BEST.  Thank you so much for the review.  You obviously took the time to really listen and think about it and figure out what it is all about.  I found your writing on it to be exceptionally articulate and on the ball of describing the CD musically, which because of its diversity is no easy task.  All of that and you are our very first official review for Monster…”

So naturally we are happy to have helped and made an impression on a band and hopefully made an impression on their fan base at the same time. Smug, but still hard working!

*we also have an interview and feature with Collide on the Glasswerk website.

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