Postal Service May Not Release Another Album

Death Cab For Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard has said that his Postal Service side project may never release a second album. The duo's debut, 'Give Up', was released in 2003 to wide acclaim. A follow-up has never appeared but rumours of one being in production, and the desire for there to be one, has elevated the non-existent album to almost mythical status.

Gibbard told Rolling Stone: “It's the record that never seems to want to come out. It's also just never been a priority… There never really was a plan to do a second album. I don't know about it being the indie-rock 'Chinese Democracy', but now that 'Chinese Democracy' has come out, I guess it just becomes the second Postal Service record that will never come out. We work from time to time together but we have other things that take up all of our time”.

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