Liverpool Sound City Announce 2009 Dates

As Liverpool’s reign as ‘European Capital of Culture’ drew to an end on Saturday, SoundCity aims to keep the legacy well and truly alive…

Building on the success of last year’s inaugural event, SoundCity is a melting pot for heavyweights and opinion formers from the UK and beyond. This year, Wednesday 20th May marks the start of four ‘Hard Days and Nights’ as the city of Liverpool is once again taken over by 25,000 people including key music industry players, taste makers and artists.

From the ‘John Peel World Cup’ to a law court trial putting music ‘in the docks’, SoundCity reaffirms its place as an innovation in UK festivals.

As one of the most important dates on the music calendar, the event will take in over 30 venues and welcome more than 400 bands from home and abroad as the event also establishes itself as a key attraction for music consumers too.

Over 25,000 people attended the first Sound City in 2008 with more expected in 2009.

One of the main attractions of the event is ‘The Trial’. A court based concept of conferencing specifically aimed at the music industry of tomorrow. It will be staged in the historic setting of the Victorian Law Courts in St Georges Hall with Judges present, costumes and all!

“The Trial’ is a rare opportunity for young people to engage with the big decision-makers in the business and decide if they truly understand the needs of the next generation of music-makers. While we are not foolish enough to try to predict the future of music in this country, with SoundCity we would like to have a hand in shaping it.”

Dave Pichilingi – Festival Director

Early bird tickets are now available at £35.00 for a limited period at link

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