White Lies Worry About Being To Over-hyped

Having been in just about every 'Hot List of 2009', the White Lies are worried that with so many people talking about them, everybody might get bored of them before they have a chance to release their forthcoming debut album.

Drummer Jack Lawrence-Brown told BBC Newsbeat: “We're a bit anxious to not get written off. Not pigeon-holed before people have actually heard our album. I'm really glad people are seeing our potential – but I genuinely don't buy music based on reviews – I'll make my own opinion about it”.

He then proceeded to hype up the band's album, saying: “For us we've already achieved what we wanted to. I know that's a weird thing to say as it's not even out but for us the making of the record was really quite a personal thing. We feel like we're in a good place. We didn't want to compromise anything in the recording of the songs. We avoid at all costs doing massive radio edits of songs and we don't write b-sides. Things like that mean staying true to yourself – doing what we felt would give us the best finished product when it came down to the album”.

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