Jay-Z has spoken to MTV News about his work on Young Jeezy's 'My President' remix, in which he uses the lyric: “Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther could walk/ Martin Luther walked so Barack Obama could run/ Barack Obama ran so all the children could fly”.
Jay-Z explained: “It's just the progression. … You sat, you walked, you ran, you ran to fly. You know, just the progression and how far we've come as a nation. It feels good to say that, 'cause I never had that type of feeling to say as a nation, like I was part of the American dream. And I believe a lot of people didn't feel like a part of the American process for so long”.
Some reports say that Jay Z has borrowed the lyric from an email forward that was doing the rounds over the last few months, but others claim he coined the phrase.
Jay-Z continued: “Now everyone's included in the American process this great day. So that's the progression and the process. Now there's no excuses for anybody. Now you can look into a child's eyes and say, 'Get it together. You can be president.' It's not an easy thing, but it can happen. And we have evidence to the fact”.