Gordon Brown get a fu**king spine will you. Okay I wasn’t that bothered about Barack being voted in as the first black president – new dawn and all that. Not that I was opposed to him, just apathetic. Now though, he has made me sit up and take notice. Where else and in what other sphere of real life (apart from the houses of parliament obviously) would anyone be rewarded for failure? How can Obama come straight in to office and read the riot act to bailed out banks, while Gordon meekly asks them to consider not inflating their wallets. With one eye on the electorate and the other on his mates making huge sums of fiddled money.
How can the bank executives not see that giving out bonuses after being bailed out to the tune of over half the company’s stock, is beyond the pale? I mean the banks were about to go bankrupt themselves, so what exactly are the bonuses based on? Who was able to foreclose on the most mortgages? Who was able to give away the most money in loans to people who have no income? Who was able to construct and continue to propagate a system that was bound to implode at some point?
I do feel sorry for them. They are the unlucky ones who didn’t manage to make their £100million and get out before anyone noticed. There is the argument that the bonuses are not all multi-thousand pound fat cat benefits, but are mainly for the grass root staff; the cashiers and branch personnel who need that money as it makes a big difference to how they survive. Fair enough, they are like 90% of us in the UK and are going to find the recession a struggle. So can we all have bonuses please? My company makes money, but I don’t think I make enough so can the government give me some extra bonus? Or even better I will just willy nilly splash the cash and let them bail me out, then pay myself an extra pat on the back. I obviously will have deserved it.
All this is probably what you are all thinking and is not news to you. But, I can write it down and make people read it – it’s like therapy. YOU need to read, get angry and then go and pelt Gordon Brown with bricks wrapped in monopoly money.