12 Stone Toddler - Scheming
Album Review

12 Stone Toddler – Scheming

Ready to give the likes of the Kaiser chiefs and Maroon 5’s of the world a run for their money, 12 Stone Toddler arrive with their new album “Scheming.”

With a welcome voice leading efforts, the music here is also a big draw. This isn’t anything too particular either, there is psychedelic, reggae beats. Some songs come over more serious than others; the more manic sounding likes of “Drowning a Witch” seem far more tongue in cheek with their inventive sounds. The majority of each song do follow a two faced palette with very abrupt distinctions between chorus/verse. Perhaps these polarising qualities are what make the album glue together so well, despite their sheer talent for crossing musical boundaries in their compositions.

With a real feel for how to let an album flow from smooth alternative rock to a more hard hitting in your face grind; 12 Stone Toddler have created an album that is rich in variety.

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