Fancy A Dance In The Cellar?

It was the best of times it was the worst of times. It was the credit crunch.

As the clocks strike thirteen and everything seems to be slightly squewiff in the new world order. We have but one thing to unite us, excite and turn to…Music.

As the bombs fell during World War Two, the people stuck together and the one thing that remains a must is entertainment.

We are still enjoying music. Restrict our freedom and give us, the people, music. The live show is thriving. The major festivals are expected to succeed whilst the weak ones perish and slip off the crowded platform. In our thousands we regularly flock to the arenas. Big Brother? G20 summits?! London banks on fire? Let’s dance!

There is one thing you can rely on to create a good vibe in the dingy cellars. It’s like the 60’s all over again. So when the going gets tough the people stick together.

A small note for the anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobain. Hugely influential in getting people into music and inspiring people that you don't have to be able to play guitar to be in a band. An underrated singer and guitarist and much missed songwriter.

On the website this week we have lots of news, including details of the Gossip's new album 'Music For Men'. We have CD and live reviews such as, Underoath, In This Moment and Hundred Reasons. There are videos from the likes of Tommy Sparks and In This Moment. Also, we have an interview with punk band Revenge Of The Psychotronic Man .

Upcoming gigs to get yourself excited about are, Strawhouses single launch party gig at the O2 Academy in Liverpool. Paper Heroes play Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester. The Anomalies will play Manchester and London. And finally, Polly Scatergood and Them Is Me both make appearances in Manchester.

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