The Ghost Of A Thousand - Masque
Live Review

The Ghost Of A Thousand – Masque, Liverpool

First up supporting The Ghost Of A Thousand were Liverpool band ‘Our Escape’. A feisty punk band who are able to combine aggression with a melodic sound and an impressive combination of boy/girl vocals. The band bring a lot of energy to their live gigs, especially lead singer Andy who’s energy is boundless, at the end of their set he offers up free cds and a sweaty hug for anyone who wants it, I’m now regretting not taking him up on this offer.

Next band were Sharks who are supporting The Ghost Of A Thousand on all their tour dates. Unfortunately I didn’t catch much of this band, but the short part of their set I did manage to catch was again punky but more in the vein of the clash, which once again was impressive. As I walked through the crowd I just about caught someone saying ‘I really love this band’ which left me wishing I’d caught more of the set.

Next up were headliners The Ghost Of A Thousand and my God was I not ready for this. Let’s just rewind for a minute after Sharks had finished their set we headed to the The Ghost Of A Thousand (TGOAT) merchandise stand, had a little nosey, chatted with the merchandise guy about who designed the artwork for the album and then headed to the bar. A few minutes later and friend came running over shouting “ the merch guy is the singer” I was like “what?” and headed for the stage, low and behold, there was Tom Lacey goin’ for it. Now you may ask what is the point of this story? Simple I heard TGOAT and instantly loved their music. So I wanted to see them live so I went to see them live, but never actually took any notice of what the band members looked like (doh!) So when we were chatting to the merchandise guy no-body really knew he was the singer. What struck me was he was so nice and humble he didn’t once mention that he just happened to be the singer of one of the best bands around at the moment. Lacy himself has said on-stage a completely different side of his personality comes out and it certainly does. Off-stage he seemed so sweet and mild mannered yet on stage he was this screaming crazy guy who throws himself into the crowd with no fear.

TGOAT were literally jaw-dropping. I started the set mouth open, a gasp and with my hands to my face in shock and pretty much stayed that way for the rest of the gig. Especially when Tom Lacy jumped off stage ran up to me and screamed down my ear, with the whole of the crowd looking on; I wish someone had a photo of that I would have loved to have seen the shock on my face. However, other people had more animated reactions than me, when Tom came amongst the crowd. Mainly picking him up fireman lift style and running round with him, entertaining for us maybe less so for Tom although I’d imagine he’s used to being mauled by the crowds.

The bands energy was absolutely relentless with the whole band just going at a thousand miles per hour, and Tom and jumping into the crowd, and writhing around on the floor, getting fireman lift’s and all the rest of it. It was exhilarating just watching them. This is without doubt one of the best gigs I have ever been to. I can’t stress enough how good this band are, they’ve got it all talent, energy, humbleness and just to top it off they’re all good-looking guys –if that isn’t a recipe for success nothing is. Without pumping my TGOAT love fest any longer I just want to urge anyone who is into metal to go and check this band out on their current tour, it’ll be one of the best things you ever did.

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