Apples - Reason 45
Album Review

Apples – Reason 45

Herefordshire popaholics announce their attack on the unwilling ears of the generally miserable and recession and unemployment riddled public with the bouncy and low-fat, low-carb ‘Reason 45’. With it’s 90’s TV kids show-esque introduction and annoying pronunciation of the word ‘own’, it seems like they have quite a job cut out in convincing consumers that they need this song in their life. Conflicting to our trans-Atlantic counterparts, we Brits dislike combating our bad moods with feel-good tunes and positivity and prefer to wallow in self misery with the curtains closed in the middle of the day sat in our pants watching Loose Women, so good luck boys. Reluctantly however, the excitable bassline and Disney sounding synth eventually start to slither their way into one’s consciousness and reluctantly convince you that perhaps it’s better to stay positive, sort of like the reassuring voice and muzak that car insurance companies force upon me when I get placed on hold; thus creating a false air of positivity, enjoyment and hope, but deep down I am fully aware that these aren’t my genuine sentiments regarding the situation.

Despite the fact that it is without doubt, an upbeat, poppy and likeable track that if I’m completely honest, isn’t as bad as I have probably made it sound, I am struggling to place where ‘Reason 45’ might be best suited – unfortunately, I do not think that it is strong enough to feature on major radio stations, nor polished enough to gain exposure through use in adverts, which basically leaves us with live performance and seeing as the festival season is now down to its smouldering ashes after the weekend, things don’t look too promising. There’s always next year…

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