Paranoid Entity - 4Closure
Album Review

Paranoid Entity – 4Closure

The Paranoid Foundation’s music project, Paranoid Entity, are a experimental/ambient group aiming to ‘explore the darker elements of the human psyche’.

If that last sentence started to set off your pretentious detector then you might as well click away now because this EP plumbs the depths of so called ‘experimental music’. That is if you can really call this music. It is apparently the result of band member Cris Lee leaving his Dictaphone on while his housemates ‘improvised’ with a variety of instruments, kitchen utensils, gardening tools, voices and noises, which gives you some idea of the quality of this self-released recording.

The result is 26 minutes of chaotic guitars, synths and unpleasant abstract sound permeated by occasional eerie laughs and disparate speech samples; it’s like a compilation of all the weird little segues on normal albums.

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