Rod Thomas - ‘Same Old Lines’
Album Review

Rod Thomas – ‘Same Old Lines’

Through stormy of the glitz and glamour that is the current whirlwind of instant fame. The hardworking and in-it-for-the-love-it one man bands are being left to dry out, forgotten about on the roadside.

However, once in a while a reminder is served, showing up the now norm contrasting ability of someone like Londoner Rod Thomas. Illustrating the potential intimacy, heart and poignancy that’s the by-product of one mind and, most importantly, it’s still standing firm.

This time Rod chooses the ukulele fuelled, slow building and deep searching ‘Same Old Lines’, as the single that will give some momentum to the cause of the one-man band. At times, his delving spirit and ability to allow his vocals to hover over a low key, but cushioning accompaniment is reminiscent of Scott Matthews.

It’s a warming illustration of the need to slow down, take stock and indulge in a little life pondering.

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