McIntoshRoss - The Great Lakes
Album Review

McIntoshRoss – The Great Lakes

Deacon Blue’s happy couple Ricky Ross (Blues Front man) and Lorraine McIntosh have taken a side step from the main band, as Ross tends to do in the bands reformation years. As the band is more of a part time venture, projects like this seem to keep Ross busy as a songwriter and musician.

This is the first release with his wife McIntosh, and sees them take on a more acoustical, Americana (whiney folk guitars) feel for their album The Great lakes.

It feels ultimately very pastoral lyrically and musically. The problem with country music like this is that is can all too quickly fall into cliché, but Ross has been writing songs for what must be 25 years now and he seems to know what he’s doing. The inclusion of McIntosh’s angelic cooing is a giant plus that keeps the songs sounding interesting and original.

Neither member is new to the scene, but they still have great ideas for songs and continue to raise eyebrows with their innovation.

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