Chris T-T - 13th Note
Live Review

Chris T-T – 13th Note, Glasgow

English singer/songwriter Chris T-T (or Christopher Thorpe-Tracey, to give him his full name) played an entertaining hour long set at Glasgow’s 13th Note. With a strong voice displaying tender touches when required, over keyboards or guitar, his mixture of political and love songs was very well received.

While most of the crowd seemed to be fans of his work, anyone unaware of Chris T-T’s political leanings would have been alerted by the large poster of Tony Benn behind the merchandise table, which was where the headliner watched two very good local support acts before taking to the stage.

The set began with a complete run through of Thorpe-Tracey’s recently released album Love Is Not Rescue. Starting with his single, Nintendo, he played all 10 tracks in order, displaying the variety of his work. Stand outs were Market Square, based on an AA Milne poem, the haunting Blueness and Tall Woman, a sad tale of the effects of dementia.

There was little chat between songs given time constraints on a Sunday evening, although Thorpe-Tracey did comment on reviews often calling him preachy. His reasoning? “Because I’m right!”

The evening ended with several older songs covering a range of issues including road building, environmentalism and the hunting lobby. He even dug out “Eminem Is Gay” although describing it as dated, and finished the night with the request “Preaching To The Converted”, a topical tale of disillusionment with politicians.

Chris T-T is a talented writer and performer and is clearly as comfortable as a solo artist as he is with his band. His stage presence and exceptionally clear vocal delivery allows him to thrive in the small club environment.

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