This City - Black and Blue
Album Review

This City – Black and Blue

This City are known for their inimitably feel-good take on hardcore music. ‘Black and Blue’ will therefore stand out from the rest of the set played on their current UK tour as being particularly in tune with those hardcore roots.

The opening riff launches the listener straight into an aggressive but enjoyable assault on the ears – gone are the happy hooks and catchy choruses, replaced with just under four minutes of heavy guitars, drums and vocals which briefly yield for a skilfully-delivered musical interlude.

The track perfectly reflects the band’s heavily-tattooed, serious appearance and will discourage comparisons with the rather safer stylings of Bloc Party. They have struck a perfect balance between music your parents would label “just noise” while you rocked out in your room and the radio-friendly rock they would nod their heads in time to. Appealing but angry, this single exhibits enviable levels of diversity, individuality and energy.

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