Wicked Wigan

Play a part in paying a tribute to tribute acts:

Tribute acts have always been a bone of contention amongst musos, people in the industry and our beloved music press. Are they merely copycats devoid of originality trying to cruise on the skid marks left by the bandwagon of a popular act? Or are they equally, if not more so, talented than their heroes/heroins by recreating their magic and keeping the legend alive?

A new one act play: Hobby Horse seeks to explore and remove some of the stigma attached to tribute acts.

Wigan residents, Katy and Tina, are lifelong The Verve fans and founding members of Bitter Sweet; a devoted tribute act to Ashcroft and company. Coming up with a bold and unique way of taking tribute acts forward, they communicate their enthusiasm for their pastime with clarity and humour.

The well visited pub debate of whether it is more fruitful and entertaining to watch live sports or music? Is well and truly delved into:

Chris: Anyway, I were about to say. When you two were discussing the rugby. That is why I prefer music.
Martin: What do you mean?
Chris: Well, when you goes and sees a live band or an act, there’s always a good atmosphere.
Joe: Apart from Dylan of course. Cos everyone’s either confused or stoned off their nuts.
Martin: (chuckling) Yeah, I know I were!
Katy: I remember when I saw him in London, everyone cheered when he did a line off a song that they recognised. It was interesting though, I thought.
Joe: Yeah, Dylan’s certainly that.
Chris: No, but you know what I’m on about though?
Joe: I think we do.
Chris: Everyone at a gig wants the same thing don’t they?
Joe: What’s that?
Chris: A good performance from the band. At soccer or rugby there’s always two sets of people wanting a different result. Ain’t there?
Martin: So?
Chris: So, there’s always tension then. Ain’t there enough of that in life?
Martin: Yes, Jeremy Kyle.

Hobby Horse, is one of four plays exploring the theme of 'Wicked Wigan'.

These plays are showing at the Orwell in Wigan Pier from the 21/04/2010 – 23/04/2010 and, at just £5/£3 admission it represents an entertaining and cost effective night out.

Of the other plays on show; Coal Providers Soul Survivors is a slick, David Mamet's Speed-the-Plow meets The Office, styledstroll. Whereby, regional puns and play on words are often flung around like a used condom in an old episode of Shameless.

The Float Of Ms Lou Brady and What Happened to Harmony Melody? Both highlight the power of music to lift up contemporary plays. All plays are performed by Wigan Pier Community Theatre under the combineddirectorial guidance of Natalie Grady and Martin Green.

Of course, the evening will be finished in time for you to head down the road to Club Nirvana to experience Wigan's premiere, alternative music hide out! (How impressive was that?? A whole article on Wigan and not one mention of pies..oops!)

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