Fresh from releasing their debut album Split The Atom, Noisia are back with a video set to make eyes stretch and jaws drop, thanks to the incredible work of Alexander Lehmann.
Let’s take it back to the beginning – Noisia and fellow producer Mayhem recorded a track three years ago called Exodus with the legendary rapper KRS-One throwing down vocals in his inimitable style. Around the same time, an extremely talented fan got in touch with the trio with a video he’d made for Concussion for fun. That fan was Alexander Lehmann.
The video was so impressive that the guys emailed Alexander back and the correspondence continued back and forth with the idea of doing a full project together. That project ended up being Exodus, and after many, many hours and constant modeling, editing, rendering and visits to Groningen to work with Nik from Noisia, the video was ready.
From a man that has worked on the likes of feature film District 9 [link ] and social commentaries Du Bist Terrorist [link] and Cleanternet [link], this amazing video is the culmination of every fan’s dream, but multiplied a million times over.
After this video went on Vidzone on May 6th it received over 180,000 plays in only three days. It thereby became the most successful video ever hosted on this exclusive music video platform for the Playstation 3.
This track isn’t on the Split The Atom album, or associated with the Split The Atom single [which is out to buy on May 31st] but with the video being such an incredible work of art coupled with the huge tune, Noisia didn’t want to hold it back any longer!