Lethal Bizzle - Go Go Go
Album Review

Lethal Bizzle – Go Go Go

I think these days, Lethal Bizzle is as much of a household name as Prince Phillip, so for the most part his latest single is a safe bet – depending on your disposition towards Mr Bizzle, you’ll either “Go Go Go” to the shop to buy it (if people still do that these days) or “Go Go Go” out of the club when the DJ cranks up the Biz.

There’s not really all that much to the track. It’s got all the standard features of a R’n’B number: Yamaha keyboard-style samples, an attractive sounding woman singing the chorus and lyrics which boast (supposedly ironically) that “I want everything, I want to be a star,” and bizarrely, “I like to gamble, but not bingo”.

There are very limited attempts to set this song apart from the general, bulging vein of today’s R’n’B singles, but that may well be a feature of the song; in a club setting, it blends seamlessly with every song before it and every song after it to keep the punters happily bopping till dawn.

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