Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

I had a busy few days at the end of last week and a few more coming up this weekend. It was, and hopefully will be, totally worth it though.

Wednesday saw the start of Sound City here in our own dear Liverpool. Four days and nights of all the music you could manage, as well as music industry conferences and exhibitions. Sadly, I never quite made it to the gig poster exhibition that I was really excited about but I did get to see some pretty mega bands and have some awesome time with my friends. It’s one of the brilliant things about music I think, how it always manages to bring people together. It helped that the sun was cracking the flags and instantly everyone was in a good mood.

I had an attempt at some family time on Sunday to try and forget the fact that some of my friends were living it up in Bangor without me. That backfired… literally! My back is now on fire. My good deed for the day in helping my mum do some painting outside and forgetting to whack the factor 50 on my freckly skin has resulted in me having some rather fetching “tan” lines on my back! Attractive much? Now everything I wear rubs on it and I’m likely to start shedding skin like some sort of reptile soon! Nice.

To cheer myself up though I did manager to catch the brilliant Alkaline Trio in Manchester last night and I got a snazzy, new Set Your Goals baseball shirt, so things aren’t all bad.

Anyway, enough of my moaning. On the site this week we have… competitions to win Beatbullyz tickets, Cha-Cha’s album and Stevie Wonder goodies. We also have interviews with Rolo Tomassi, 65DaysOfStatic and Bring Me The Horizon as well as Wallis Bird, Kof, Devil Sold His Soul and Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster all on tour!

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