Jape - Iveagh Gardens
Live Review

Jape – Iveagh Gardens

A relatively lo-key affair, Riche Egan and his honky cohorts took to the ‘Africa Day’ main stage at 5 o’ clock, playing a well-received 40 minute set. The free event, organised by Irish Aid, saw Jape returning to live action after a quiet start to 2010.

Kicking off with newbie, ‘Ocean Of Frequency’, Egan was clearly using today’s performance as a testing ground for legitimate gigs. The song’s sedate synth loops and guitar inflections provided a suitably laid-back soundtrack to the event’s chilled atmosphere. Having said that, it’s no ‘Strike Me Down’. Reminiscent of Hot Chip in their less ironic moments, it’s something of a meandering non-sequitor when compared to anything off the Choice winning ‘Ritual’.

Not the world’s finest showman, but by no means statuesque, Egan appeared comfortable entertaining a nonplussed crowd. Making decent use of his stage, instrumental breaks were punctuated by some admirable addresses and entertaining power-shuffles.

Another new song, ‘Hands Of Fire’, displayed a touch more of Jape’s pop sensibility. Hidden amongst its clipped minor-chords, is a chorus to penetrate daytime playlists.

When he really sparked a reaction however, it was down an unexpected cover. Explaining that they’d been “asked specifically to play this song for the day’s that’s in it”, a tongue-in-cheek rendition of Toto’s ‘Africa’ saw a marked improvement in the audience interest. Lacking the high notes, but devoid of the schmaltz, Jape’s rendition won out against indifference.

From this, Egan left us with a choice: ‘Floating’ or ‘I Was A Man’. Weighing up the collective as cider drinkers he briefly decided upon ‘Floating’ (the 2005 single had been used in a ‘Bulmers’ ad campaign). But looking to end with an upbeat finale, the three-piece band blazed through the latter. Previously casual observers could now be seen throwing uninhibited shapes to the Crumlin man’s closer.

It served as a reminder; both of Jape’s live appeal and his crossover potential. A fourth album should be on its way by the end of the year. But if looking for further national acclaim, something more infectious than today’s previews is needed.
Hear new song ‘Ocean Of Frequency’ at [link]

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