Psycho 5oth Anniversary Competition

Psycho 5oth Anniversary Competition

To celebrate the forthcoming release of the 50th Anniversay of Hitchcock's classic thriller (or Dark Comedy depending on how you view it)- the good people over at Paramount have set up this competition for a screening tomorrow! (That's Thursday 3rd June!)

The special Blu-Ray edition of the film will be out in the UK on August 2nd.

The Psycho 50th Anniversary Edition is packed with extras, including behind-the-scenes bonus features, documentaries, audio interviews and an in-depth look at the re-mastering process required for high definition viewing. Sound reigns supreme on the Blu-rayTM Hi-Def disc and fans can now experience the terror of Bernard Herrmann’s controversial string-only orchestra during some of the film’s most pivotal scenes like never before.

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