Veronica Falls - ABC
Live Review

Veronica Falls – ABC, Glasgow

Teenage Fanclub’s return to Glasgow ensured that last night’s show at the ABC was a complete sell out. But this was also a hometown gig for support act Veronica Falls, who are now based in London.

The four piece band, the darlings of the NME, took the stage as the crowd was still pouring into the venue. But by the end of their short seven song set a pretty large audience was there to applaud their performance.

Unfortunately the vocals were too low in a somewhat muddy sound, but this couldn’t take away from the sheer exuberance that lead vocalist Roxanne brought to the show. Guitar slung high, she bounced around the stage, her hair obscuring her face as her fingers flew along the fret board.

Guitarist James was more economical in his movements but the chemistry of the front two was clear to see. Their soaring synchronised harmonies, a 60s pop vibe for the modern age, gave an atmospheric and uplifting feel to the music.

And they were ably backed by the driving drumbeat supplied by Patrick, who also joined in on the harmonies, and some fine bass lines from Marion, who stood to the side, staid and static like many bass players of old.

The current single “Beachy Head” had a haunting melody and evocative vocals that gave a sinister feel to a song that is much more than an ode to the seaside. There was something menacing about the chorus, delivered with just a hint of Siouxsie Sioux

“Starry Eyes” was also performed excellently, its simple melody and twin guitar picking making it a very solid pop song.

And the band’s debut single “Found Love in a Graveyard” was also a standout. This strange tale of unrequited love involving falling for a ghost fairly flew along, with the drums setting a brisk tempo.

This was an energetic and enthusiastic performance that mixed musical quality with dynamic delivery to entertain the audience in fine style. If the support band’s role is to warm up the audience for the headliners then Veronica Falls did an excellent job.

And Teenage Fanclub? They were pretty good too!

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