Pete Doherty blocked from performing in the USA

Pete Doherty blocked from performing in the USA

Dishevelled druggy Pete Doherty has been refused the right to enter the USA for his latest show in New York

The ex boyfriend of Kate Moss and Babyshambles front man reportedly got as far as New York's 'John F Kennedy' airport, before being forced to turn around and get onto the next flight back to London.

Doherty was due to perform with Sean Lennon, Adam Green and Charlotte Kemp Muhl at Milk Studios.

It's hard to imagine why the USA wouldn't want him to step on to their soil… isn't it? The truth is, maybe the US are scared if they let him step foot off the plane that WE won’t let him back in to the UK… (Well, we can only dream)

Pete is another fine example of a waste of enviable talent… the star, constantly in the news for the wrong reasons, has now successfully joined a prestigious group of fellow wasters in the long(ish) list of British celebrities who are not permitted to enter the USA for fear they'll get too drunk/ get too high/ beat the snot out of a toilet attendant…

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