The Dinner Party -
Album Review

The Dinner Party –

From down under comes this Direct to DVD psychological thriller. Don’t let the front cover fool you – this is no slasher picture, or mystery of Agatha Christie proportions. Instead we have a the story of a fairly unstable young lady named Angela who has a few close friends round for dinner, unaware that she has a few things she’d like to get off her chest. So ensues a prolonged mini drama where secrets are revealed and murder may be on the books.

The film is show on what appears to be home video which is more than likely down to the budget constraints of the film-makers. But it is a debut feature- and has to be noted that it was shortlisted for a few award at a few film festivals.

Fans of this type of film are those who like to run the festival circuits to see exactly what new and upcoming film-makers are up to. But it is unlikely to gain the attention of many genre fans.
The cast do as best they can – but the ropey camera work only serves to build tension in a few areas of the film. Still it is nice that not every new film maker out there is merely trying to make blood and guts pictures in order to make a buck or get themselves recognised. So at least the director here is trying for something a little different.

No extra features were available at this time for review.

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