The Haunting of Marsten Manor -
Album Review

The Haunting of Marsten Manor –

When a girl inherits a spooky old mansion she can’t resist the urge to go spend a few nights there with some friends. Of course all sorts of things start to go bump in the night – well sort of – as they soon discover a history attached to the big old shack.

What is being promoted here as a horror/chiller is actually more of a low rent drama which delves into the past as spooks from years before (Including an extended cameo by “where the hell have you been” C Thomas Howell) dwell on unsettled issues. It’s up to our leading lady to get entwined in the mystery and help lay these ghosts to rest.

There are no teenagers romping around, no grissly deaths – it’s a TV drama made for disc with a rather offensive 18 rating stamped on the box (Quite how it ended up with this rating is beyond me). It’s fairly light in its tone and even lighter on shocks as our plucky young heroine faces her fears and unravels the mystery.

As said, the film looks like it was made for TV and has managed to be granted a Disc release. If you like creepy house tales and are an enthusiast in the subject then this could be right up your alley. If you prefer a more direct type of chiller or horror – then, well there is no shortage of that out there either.

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