Conan Heads To Blu-ray


Conan is making his way back to cinemas this summer, but he is also coming to Blu-ray this July in all that high definition glory! 


The film is set during the (fictional) prehistoric Hyborian Age, a time after the fall of Atlantis but eons before the rise of known ancient civilizations. As a young Cimmerian boy, Conan is instructed by his father (William Smith) on the importance of steel to their people and its relationship with their god, Crom. Soon after, a group of warriors led by Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) systematically destroys Conan’s village. Thulsa Doom’s lieutenant, Thorgrim, whacks the villagers with his hammer, their dogs kill Conan’s father and Rexor, another lieutenant of Doom’s, steals the sword of Conan’s father. Conan’s mother is beheaded by Thulsa Doom in front of Conan with the sword Rexor stole. They sell the children into slavery after the village is rampaged. Having been forced to push The Wheel of Pain for years, a now-adult and extremely muscular Conan (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is trained as an arena fighter and then inexplicably freed by his master and begins a dangerous, full-blooded quest to avenge his parents massacre. The film’s epilogue shows an aged Conan sitting upon a throne, crowned as King.


      Blu-ray Contents   

  • UK Theatrical Version (triggered from English Menu’s only)
  • Commentary by Director John Milius &  Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Deleted Scenes Sequence
  • Conan Unchained: The Making of Conan
  • Conan – Rise of the Fantasy Legend
  • Special Effects Split Screen Video
  • The Conan Archives
  • Theatrical Trailers
  • New Extra: Art of Steel: The Blacksmith & Swordsman: Examines the making of and significance of Conan’s Sword. (10mins)
  • New Extra: Conan; From the Vault: Newly discovered interviews shot in 1982 with Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Milius, James Earl Jones and Sandhah Bergman. (10mins)

Conan the Barbarian is out on Blu-ray July 11th.;-1;-1;-1;-1&sku=33735

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