The Incredibles Blu-ray Review

Pixar entered the world of the superhero in this easy to enjoy high tech thriller/comedy. Mr Incredible, along with a whole host of heroes, decide to give up the heavy antics as there’s a worry that the city will sue them for the damage they have done.

Of course retirement and family life sees our lead become a bit on the overweight side as well as bored with the humdrum routine of family life. This is until he’s given an assignment by an unknown employer which sees him hitting the high life again – unbeknownst to his family. Of course all is not as it seems and soon the whole family end up in one big adventure against a rather uptight and vengeful foe, Syndrome.

Brad Bird has created a fast-paced action adventure for the whole family. Sure, some of the sets and streets look a little too empty at times, but minimalism is part of the decor of Syndrome’s home so it works in terms of the film’s production design. Add to this the fact that the Blu-ray design of the film looks tremendous. Nothing looks quite so wonderful as animation which means it’s also often easier to spot a bad transfer. But there’ll be none of that here.

On the extras side there are only a few bits and bobs. Two shorts: the Jack Jack Attack along with another rather bizarre one about bouncing animals. The best extra is the round table between the director and his key staff looking back on the project and all of the fun and stress they shared along the way.

The Incredibles is one of Pixar’s best. It isn’t perfect – but it remains a stylised film that will date well.

Steven Hurst

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