Editor: Noel Daniel
Nothing gives me more pleasure in the publishing world than having an encounter with a beautifully illustrated edition of some classic literature. Taschen are keeping themselves ahead of the curve in terms of not just what they publish, but more importantly – How they publish it. They turn their attention now to The Brothers Grimm.
We are treated to over 300 pages devoted to 27 beautifully illustrated classic Grimm Brothers tales, just about all the big classics are here to read and enjoy again, but it’s the inclusion of a variety of illustrative artwork throughout. This is what is going to make this a real keeper for the shelf.
A large appeal of this book though must be the variety of illustrations used. Each tale is given a gold page/title card with an introduction to the story. Each tale then has uniform illustrations by a chosen artist for that5 specific tale. The size of the illustrations range from small insertions to full page.
As a decent bonus, each artist is given a biography text towards the end of the book which gives you further insight into the artists. Editor, Noel Daniel, has also given the book a loving introduction.
Purists may balk at the choices – or even the versions of the tales used (A direct example is that the Snow White tale used is the one with the dwarves, not the original Snow Drop tale).
Beyond that fairy tale lovers might just be thrilled to have this collection as it brings together some lovely artwork of yesteryear, all lovingly recreated in one thick hardback volume.
For a closer look head here:
Steven Hurst