Assassination Games Review

Van Damme is back once again this year in this direct to DVD release in the UK Assassination Games (Formerly titled Weapon). Earlier this year we put the Van Dammage under the microscope and were pleasantly surprised how well he has matured as an actor – and even in his non-Hollywood productions he is picking deeper characters with better plots. Assassination Games is further proof of that.

The film Van Damme as Brazil, a lonely hitman; meticulous and quiet with a sad and weary exterior getting hired for the same job as fellow hitman Flint, played by Scott Adkins. Adkins is a british rising action star (whom did most of Ryan Reynold’s fighting at the end of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and appeared in the Undisputed series). Adkins is clearly one to watch with young and physicality on his side (He’s also apparently bagged a role in The Expendables 2 along with Van Damme).

The hit the two men are hired for is your run of the mill bad guy scum bag who has a history with Flint, but just a large dollar tag for Brazil. The two men literally get in each other’s way causing the initial attempt to get a bit bungled. From here on in they have to settle their differences if they are going to get the job done. And of course a short round of fisticuffs is in order. The choreography of this is fine. It won’t win any competitions for best face off in a film, but it’s good enough to make you believe that these two men can inflict some serious injuries and have a note worthy move or two.

The plot isn’t complicated, but it is complicated by the relationships these two men have with surrounding characters in their lives is. Brazil takes in a beaten neighbour for her protection, which of course threatens to turn his insular world inside out. Flint on the other hand has a comatose wife who he’s trying to avenge. Both actors bring what is required for their roles as actors as well as physically. Van Damme’s acting range is getting better with age. His face isn’t as smooth and pristine as it was 20 years ago when he was hitting the big time, but he’s still in unbelievable shape for a guy whose hit 50. Adkins on the other hand is just getting started and is off and running. He balances the musty anger with real emotion whenever he isn’t playing the action part. He’ll be one to watch.

Technically the film is well put together with a fair amount of restraint on the action editing, a decent enough score and some well manipulated lens work with the aid of some nice location shooting help keep hide the low budget. A shame Seagal’s recent work is this well produced.  Van Damme is currently in revival in his career and the next couple of years should see some interesting work from the man. This title will happily tide you over in the mean time.

Steven Hurst

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