The Caller Review

Having not really paid much attention to either the Twilight Series or True Blood – the fact that this film is being sold on actors names attached to those more well know products isn’t having any effect on me. Good thing for these actors then that they can actually do a bit of acting.

Rachelle LeFevre stars as a Mary, a young woman who moves into a new abode only to be rung on the phone (One of those old fashioned noisy ones) by an older woman called Rose (Rose-Mary?). It turns out that Rose (who is a few dials short of a connection) could well be calling from the past which gives this film an interesting spin. It also turns out that Rose doesn’t like to be ignored and things take a bit of a turn for the worse in their relationship!

On top of this, Mary is also having a little bit of trouble with an Ex who keeps showing up. But then there is the diversion of true Blood’s Stephen Moyer for her to help balance things out.

So as silly as the idea as, and as long as it takes for things to brew – it is nevertheless an interesting premise. Having bought that it is literally going to be a film that rests on the dialogue between Rose and Mary. Director Matthew Parkhill does his best to give this film cult appeal (including casting Luis Guzman in a supporting role) and goes for psychological scares more than actual blood splatters.

By the climax the film tries its best not to pull any punches and leave you with a sour taste in your mouth as the film fades to black on its final dark image.

The disc comes with extra material including Director’s commentary, deleted scenes and even an alternative ending.

Steven Hurst

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