News From Mothlite - And A Free Track

News From Mothlite – And A Free Track

Daniel O’Sullivan will release his second album under the Mothlite moniker on May 14th through Kscope. ‘Dark Age’ is the follow-up to 2008’s ‘The Flax Of Reverie’. 'Something in The Sky' is the first single to be taken from the new album, and it's released on May 7th.

Having spent a lot of time recently working as a collaborator with Sunn 0))), Æthenor, Miracle and Grumbling Fur as well as his much acclaimed work as part of Ulver, O’Sullivan felt it was time to return to Mothlite so as to work on something unequivocally personal: “All the other things are collaborations and there’s a communal interest, but with Mothlite the content is quite personal and to do with me. It’s quite easy to neglect, particularly when you’re in a bit of a shit storm as I was the past couple of years.”

You can listen to and download the album track ‘Zebras’ at this link – link

The album has allowed O’Sullivan to break free from the confines of genre, taking influence from the likes of Tears For Fears and Kate Bush from his parents’ record collection through the industrial and gothic textures of DAF, The Cure, Coil and Dead Can Dance to the hardcore punk of his own personal roots.

Mothlite will showcase the new album on 2 May at the Tabernacle in London with North Atlantic Oscillation.

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