Dexter Season 6 Review

If you’re reading this then you already love him.  Miami Metro’s very own blood splattering blood spatter expert Dexter Morgan.


You’ve tried to look away but you can’t. You’ve tried to understand why it is that this murderous, knife wielding lab geek with his haemo-slide box set, seemingly infinite supply of cling film complete with his very own dark passenger has found his way into your heart.


Well it’s because unlike its acronymous American investigative drama brothers Dexter has taken us beyond the constructs of good versus evil and dumped us right smack in the middle of the dark side itself…and you know what? We like it there!


With the grand finale now in sight Season 6 starts to open the doors we’ve all been so longing to peep through as many a giant spanner is thrown into the imperative and delicate sense of order that keeps Dexter afloat.


I fear however this season’s ultimate Doomsday villain(Hanks), whilst responsible for some of the most horrendous crime scenes we’ve seen thus far, (if you don’t send out an almighty gasp when his horseman rides into town then it is definitely time to seek some form of psychiatric assistance) just didn’t stand up to the sheer magnitude of evil exuded by Season 4‘s favourite resident community reverend and all round loving husband and father Arthur Mitchell, exquisitely portrayed by John Lithgow.  With Season 5’s Jordan Chase also paling in comparison it seems Lithgow’s Mitchell was a tough act to follow.  Lucky for us it seems the buck didn’t stop at dear old Dad.


This aside, where Season 6 stands up is in the interwoven intricacies of this now truly stellar ensemble.  Hall’s portrayal is yet again spectacularly eccentric with the usual chillingly acute dash of nonchalance for human life.  With Quinn and Deb as explosive as ever, Masuka giving rise to the possibility that there just may be an element of decency beneath his explicitly sticky layer of slime, Batista digging deep as the underdog you want to pet, cuddle and send in to fight all at the same time and LaGuerta shining gloriously as Queen ‘B’ all coming together once again to create a community around the man, who whilst having vowed to on so many occasions, knows now that never again will he stand alone.


Dexter, Season 6. Watch it. You’ll love it…and as per usual you will be counting down the hours until you get a sniff of Season 7.


Kath Haling


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