Jack Osbourne Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

Jack Osbourne Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

The 26-year-old son of Sharon and Ozzy, Jack Osbourne, has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Just two weeks after his daughter Pearl was born, Jack heard the news of his degenerative illness.

'I was just angry and frustrated and kept thinking, ''Why now?'' ' Jack told People magazine. 'I''ve got a family and that''s what''s supposed to be the most important thing.'

Damaging nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, multiple sclerosis is often a progressive disease. The symptoms include loss of muscle control, adverse effects on balance and vision, feeling and thinking impairments.

The severity of the symptoms have a wide range, as some people with multiple sclerosis develop mild problems while others grow extremely disabled.

We wish him all the best.

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