Mountain Folk to Release Debut Single on 12" Vinyl

Mountain Folk to Release Debut Single on 12″ Vinyl

Mountain Folk are to release the excellent new single 'Don't Go Down There' on 12″ vinyl later this month.

Mountain Folk is René Kirkegaard, a DJ/ Producer based in Aarhus, Denmark and Winchester based Tom Eno. In 1997 René set up the record shop Dezigner Soundz which quickly became a focal point for vinyl crazy Aarhus DJs. It quickly established itself and had DJ Static running the hip hop section whilst René took care of electronica and house music. Tom Eno has been busy recording acoustic material for his 2 studio albums to date and wanted to work on more electronic based project. René and Tom were introduced in 2011 and started to fire ideas across the North Sea – the rest is history.

Don't Go Down There will be released on 12″ vinyl on June 25th on Jack to Phono Records. The album is in production and will follow later in 2012.

Official website: link

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