BREAKING: Liverpool AFRICA OYÉ Festival Cancelled

BREAKING: Liverpool AFRICA OYÉ Festival Cancelled

This weekend's annual world music festival, Africa Oyé, has unfortunately today been cancelled by organisers. They had this to say in an official statement:

“We are very sad to have to announce that due to heavy rain over the last few nights causing several Health and Safety issues in the set up of the festival site as well as the potential accidents that could happen over the weekend because of the weather, Africa Oyé has been forced to cancel this weekend's festival in Sefton Park.

The stage crew have been unable to put the stage up in the current conditions and the vehicles that have already driven onto the field have left much of the area unfit for the festival.

We are very sorry at having to let you know at this late stage but we hope you understand that it is out of the organisers' hands and no decision could be made until this afternoon and the early signs were promising. Unfortunately, more heavy rain this morning has tipped the scales out of Oye's favour. The decision was not taken lightly.


There WILL be an event happening this weekend away from the park – Africa Oyé is working on a contingency plan and we will bring you news as soon as it's been confirmed. Keep your eyes peeled to the social networks below:

Facebook: link
Twitter: link

Thank you for understanding and watch this space.”

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