R Kelly Rushed To Hospital

R Kelly Rushed To Hospital

R&B star R. Kelly has been rushed to hospital for emergency treatment today, in the middle of a US promo tour.

'While on his way to New York this morning to celebrate the publication of his long-awaited memoir 'SoulaCoaster,' multi-platinum R&B superstar R. Kelly was taken ill and had to return to Chicago for medical treatment.' says publicist Sarah Rothman 'Initial indications are that he is suffering from complications from surgery he had last year to treat an abscess on his vocal cords. As a result, Kelly has had to cancel appearances on 'The Jimmy Fallon Show' and NBC's 'Today' as well as a book party that was being held in his honor. It is unclear how long Kelly may be sidelined'.

R. Kelly was attending the launch of his book 'Soulacoaster: The Diary Of Me' described by the book blurb as a recollection of:

'….the crippling learning disorder that rendered him unable to read or write, to the teacher/mentor who prophesized that his destiny was in music, not basketball, we follow his evolution from Chicago street performer to struggling L.A. musician and beyond. Kelly reveals his hard-won ascent to superstardom and his battle to move forward after legal and personal ordeals that threatened to destroy his life.'

R. Kelly is scheduled to return to touring in October.

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