Glasswerk Meets: Boy

Glasswerk Meets: Boy

Hello How Are You Today?

I'm a bit tired because I was at a birthday party last night. But apart from that I'm very well!

So This New Album “Mutual Friends” Is Incredible, What Inspired The Title?

Thank you! Sonja and I wrote the songs together, but we couldn't have made the album without the help of many friends, like our producer who worked very hard with us, or the people who made the artwork and the photographs or the musicians who played on the album – so the title fits pretty well. And Sonja and I also see the songs as our mutual friends.

This Album Feels Like A Collection Of Stories, Each Song Tells a Different Story, one of the songs that stands out is off course Little Numbers which is up to 4.6 million views on youtube right now, did you expect for it to do so well?

We've had a special feeling about that song from the beginning. It was the last one we wrote for the album, after having worked on all the other songs for a pretty long time. And then “little numbers” kind of flew to us, like a present. It somehow felt like the easiest song to write. But we would have never ever expected so many people to watch the video!

Not only is this a great song but the video is very colorful and energetic, what was it like shooting the video in Barcelona?

It was really nice. We worked with a very small team – Meeto Grevsen, the director, his brother and sister and a close friend of them. There was no big plan or script – we walked through Barcelona for two days, just looking for nice places and people and costantly filming. None of the scenes or situations were planned, I think that is why the video has a spontanious and joyful feeling to it.

One of the things that is so compelling about you girls is your story, how you met and became friends and started making great music together – did you expect it to do this well so fast?

No never. And it didn't feel so fast for us. We started writing songs four years ago and worked on the album for 2,5 years. We also played a lot during that time, in Switzerland and in Germany. We did lots of very small concerts in front of 20-50 people, then we went on some tours with other bands as an opening act, so it feels like the band has grown slowly and in a very natural and healthy way.

What's the story behind your name “BOY”?

There's no big story unfortunately. We spent ages looking for a name that describes us well and that has a lot to do with us. And we didn't find anything, so we just went for the opposite.

You Recently Played The Great Escape Festival How Did That Go?

It was very nice! We were lucky with the venue – we played in a nice small church and people were really quiet and attentive. And we really liked Brighton, we would have liked to stay some more days to enjoy the town. And the ocean!

With A Number Of Dates To Play Here in The UK On the Katie Melua Tour, Do You Feel Like The UK is Embracing Your Sound & Music? How are you finding the difference in Cultures?

We've always had a great time playing in the UK, and we're so happy that we get to come here a lot this year! But I have to say that I don't really notice a big difference between the audiences. We're very lucky because we feel like we always play in front of nice people at our shows, no matter where they are.

What Has Been The Highlight Of your career so far?

At the moment we're really excited that we get to play in so many different countries. It's always a highlight to play in a new place for the first time and see how people sometimes already know the songs and sing along.

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