Julio Iglesias Releases New Album

Julio Iglesias Releases New Album

Legendary croon-maestro Julio Iglesias’s career is marked by songs and successes in every country, and by worldwide top hits in many languages.

38 of these songs in English and Spanish appear in the double CD album Julio Iglesias “1”, which will be released this August and in which the Artist has re-recorded many of the hits that have turned him into one of the most emblematic celebrities of all time. On “1”, Julio sings from the perspective of his four decade career and the result is surprising.

Julio Iglesias: “This album is mainly dedicated to all the anonymous people who have been following me for 44 years, with generosity and affection, and who have allowed me to keep singing up until today. They’ll always be the great driving force of my career.”

Julio has been working for three years on this album and the result has been worth it, because, far from having the differences in sound and production that normally affect compilations, the songs sound uniform and as if they were one, giving the album an appreciated mature unifying sound and interpretation.

The album has already gone multi-Platinum in Spain, Brazil and other Spanish language countries.

'1' is released on 20th August.

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