Sponsored Video: Rekorderlig Swedish School

Sponsored Video: Rekorderlig Swedish School

Music and alcohol go hand in hand – whether it's a (fingers crossed) pint of warm lager coming down the back of your neck at a festival, swigging whisky at a Dropkick Murphy's show or guzzling on a gin'n'juice with Snoop Dogg – you can pretty much bet that where there's live music there's booze.

Because of this, we've teamed up with the beautiful people at Rekorderlig to bring you a taste of the Swedish summer – take a look at the video and join Olof Håkansson at the Swedish School to find your Swedish side and learn more about the perfect festival and summer gig tipple. Olof and his team of teachers have come together to create a Swedish Utopia imparting the essential qualities that could make you beautifully Swedish – Rekorderlig actually means “someone who's dependable, smart and clever” in Swedish.

After creeping its way on to pretty much every supermarket and bar shelf in the UK over the past few years, Rekorderlig has quickly become the cider of choice at venues and festivals boasting an array of refreshing flavours that perfectly complement those lazy English summer evenings.

If you thought Sweden was just about flat pack furniture, strikingly beautiful women and absolutely irresistible disco bangers, then prepare to think again as you release the power of Rekorderlig.

And remember, if you're trying too hard, it probably isn't that Swedish.

Rekorderlig YouTube Channel: http://unr.ly/PuwsDv
Official Facebook Page: http://unr.ly/PuwsDr
RekorderligTwitter Profile: http://unr.ly/PuwsDt
Official Site: http://unr.ly/PuwuLE

This post has been sponsored by Rekorderlig, but all thoughts are our own.

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