INTRODUCING: Dracula Lewis

INTRODUCING: Dracula Lewis

Introducing Souterrain Transmissionsʼ latest signing, Dracula Lewis, who releases ʻPermafrostʼ 12” / Digital EP on November 5, 2012 through Souterrain Transmissions and joins The Soft Moon on their European Tour.

Despite a wealth of art and musical involvements under his wing, the Transylvanian born producer remains something of a mystery online, even to those blogs that have loyally posted about his activities already.

The last few years have been spent living in a Milan squat, creating art installations, running an illegal club and his working on his own label Hundebiss Records, turning out exquisitely crafted limited origami-packaged records featuring the music of such talents as Hair Police, Sewn Leather, Jaws and more.

As Fact put it, Dracula Lewis makes “expansive, pseudo-horror- flick music that oscillates between ethereal ambience and grinding, zombie-attack noise freakouts”.

Stream the dark and satisfying creeper “Permafrost” here:

See Dracula Lewis live:
THE SOFT MOON + Dracula Lewis (support)
11-23 London, England – Cargo
11-24 Bristol, England – Start the Bus
11-25 Leeds, England – Brudnell Social Club
11-26 Manchester, England – Ruby Lounge
11-27 Birmingham, England – Hare and Hounds
11-28 Brighton, England – Greenstore

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