Free Download From Mock & Toof

Free Download From Mock & Toof

After 2010’s ‘Tuning Echoes’ Mock & Toof return with their second album entitled ‘Temporary Happiness’, released today on Tiny Sticks.

Previous vocal collaborators Pollyester & Gavin Gordon are replaced by young Swiss artist Ghostape who features on half of the ten tracks, the remainder being instrumentals. Anyone who is familiar with Mock & Toof’s material through their excellent releases on DFA, Mule Music, Rvng Intl & Tiny Sticks will know their sound isn’t easily pigeon-holed & this album continues in the same tradition. ‘Temporary Happiness’, as the title suggests, is darker, deeper & perhaps a little less accessible than its predecessor, but it does have its moments of light.

Sleeper by mockandtoof

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