Avatar Release New Album Black Waltz

Avatar Release New Album Black Waltz

Avatar are set to release their fourth album “Black Waltz” in Europe (November 19th, Gain / Sony Music).

The album was released earlier this year in Scandinavia and the USA to widespread critical acclaim and notable radio play. Avatar has captured the essence of what groups like Rammstein, In Flames and System of a Down have done, bringing heavy music to the wider masses. The album is produced by the Swedish Grammy award winning producer Tobias Lindell (Europe, Hardcore Superstar, Mustasch).

The first single “Let It Burn” has been one of the most played rock songs in USA during this spring – being Top 40 on the American Active Rock list. Avatar released their debut album in 2006 when they were just 18 years old. They have toured across Europe with the likes of Megadeth, Helloween, Stone Sour and In Flames.

With their new album – Black Waltz – Avatar are once again standing on the front line, ready to fight for everything insane.

More info: link

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