Bleech: New Single and Mixtape

Bleech: New Single and Mixtape

How many bands that support themselves 100% travel through Germany, France, the UK and beyond off their own backs? Not many is the answer. Bleech are a rare example of a band who tackle this with aplomb and have released their new single ‘Break My Nose’ today.

The punchy, new video directed by Ben Kent was shot in Repton Park boy’s gym previously used in the legendary UK film ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ and stars International Super Middleweight contender Frank Bugliani in the ring with Courtney Pryce.

To celebrate this single, the band have released a mixtape today featuring the tunes that help them tour Europe on a weekly basis. Sit back and press play to hear a selection of tracks that make them tick in the van. Listen here: link

1. Mexicola – Queens of the Stone Age

In any Bleech playlist this is quite simply no brainer number one, catastrophically heavy bass and guitar and lots of vibe! We saw them play the whole first album in its entirety last November. Immense.

2. Crosstown Traffic – Jimi Hendrix

If ever you have this song playing in your headphones, it instantly turns whatever you are doing into a car chase! It just has that CSI Miami feel. We have since been experts of the “David Carusoe” pulling down his shades to discover the victim dead in some alley somewhere, all because of this song, amazing!

3. Pump it Up – Elvis Costello

Great reliable party tune.Makes me want to get my baby Giraffe legs out and have a wobble.

4.Cypress Hill – A to the K

Fancy people rapping about how high they are? The booklet to the album contains 19 facts about the history of hemp and the positive attributes of cannabis. Hemp’s good for making rope apparently.

5. Scentless Apprentice – Nirvana

Kurt Cobain is audibly ripping his vocal chords to shreds in this song, it’s aggressive and something I think people can relate to on a Wednesday.

6. Because – The Beatles

A track that makes you want to give up music and keep going in equal measure!

7. Battery – Metallica

Had to put something heavy in there, great when you have to dodge middle lane crawlers on the motorway. Move over innit!

8. Grace – Jeff Buckley

There are so any dynamics in this song and the singing is unbelievable towards the end when he reaches that top note ” aaaahhhhhaiiiiiaaahhahhey” you know that one? It’s impossible we’ve tried.

9. PJ Harvey – This is Love

Last but not least, this track is a lovely sludgy mess of rock and roll which suits many a long journey in our Beryl (Yellow Volkswagen)

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